Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I think I did enough crying and sulking about what's going on. I think it's about time that I accept what's going on. Though we're still officially together, I should get used to the idea that we're not. That doesn't mean I'm giving up. Not at all. It just means that I am preparing myself for when the day comes that it is over. With that, I decided to pick up something I've never done before...

I found a website that has a particular kind of work out. It's called "Fit For Duty." It's a tough cardio workout designed by the military. I started doing some cardio stuff on Sunday. I'm going to continue with them. I think it'll help me, not only get in better shape, but keep my mind busy and occupied so I don't, well, you know...

When I would do a slight workout in the past, I'd feel sore, obviously, and say to myself, "I think I'll start again when I'm not sore anymore." Then, I just forget about it and not do anything.
Well, not anymore. I'm sore as hell today and it feels good. I didn't do anything Monday, but I repeated that same workout this morning after work. I even ran.

Yeah, you heard me right. I ran. Granted it was a pathetic run, but I did it. The above picture shows my running path. It was about 1.5 miles. Another thing to note, is the H.S. there is on a pretty big hill, so there was a lot of uphill running. All that took me... 21:47. Yeah yeah, go ahead and laugh.

Sore limbs sometimes feel so good.

Question, have any of you tried guessing what that "change" is that I mentioned a couple of posts before?


Unknown said...

So would your change happen to be thinking about joining the military?

Anonymous said...

well lets hope you are alive by the end of then week with all that running and exercising! but honestly i think its a good idea. it will take your mind off of things

Anonymous said...

hey, I enjoy reading your blogs...more on CA!!! PLEASE! Keep it mixed up! Keep writing!
-that friend in cold, windy, blah IL